
Showing posts from 2021

Presenting as Malaysian Space Artist at IAU: Communicating Astronomy to Public 2021

Celebrating Light through Space Art: Tycho and Stargazer by Cosmic Tribe

Glow in the Dark Milky Way

Colliding Galaxies NGC 4038/4039

SciArt Party Instagram Takeover

Birmingham University Zoom Live with Space Artist Cathrin Machin

Losing Touch: Light Pollution and Dark Sky Awareness Painting

The Lights above Us: A Light Pollution and Dark Sky Awareness Painting

UTHM STC Astronomy Untuk Semua

International Astronomical Union Communicating Astronomy with the Public Oral Presenter

Artistic Interpretation of Sgr A* at the Center of Milky Way

Officially the International Association of Astronomical Artist Member!

Applying for International Association of Astronomical Artists

Planetary Assemble : Terrestrial

The Red Frontier : First Planetary Space Art on Circle Canvas

Space Artist and Dark Sky Advocacy